Links to other creationist web sites
Note: O.R.A. has no religious affiliation. We present these links because of their relevance to the creation/evolution controversy. We do not necessarily agree with any content unrelated to the issue of origins.
Web page of Dr. Don Patton, frequent speaker at ORA seminars. Contains fascinating photos of dinosaur images made ca. 500 B.C., long before dinosaurs were known to science and yet remarkably accurate in their details. The conclusion: humans lived alongside dinosaurs. |
Answers in Genesis – extremely comprehensive site. One of the best. |
Apologetics Press – lots of great articles about creation and also about Bible apologetics in general. |
The Ark Encounter (Kentucky) – life size replica of Noah’s Ark. Highly recommended. |
The Ark Foundation |
Bible-Science Association. |
BiblicalCreation.info |
Biblical Tours in the U.K. – if going to the UK, check them out! |
Biomimicry Institute – great site giving indications of intelligent design in nature. |
Canyon Ministries – Grand Canyon info and tours. |
Christian Answers Net |
Common Sense Science – presenting alternative models for the structure of matter. |
Creation Engineering Concepts |
Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas – site of the Paluxy River dinosaur/human track excavations. |
Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – Lots of creation education resources |
Creation Ministries International — publishers of Creation magazine and the Journal of Creation. Also one of the best sites for detailed information. |
Creation Moments – brief articles and commentaries |
The Creation Museum (AnswersinGenesis, Kentucky) |
Creation Research Science Education Foundation |
Creation Sensation (materials for younger audiences) |
Creationism.org, an index of creationism in 40+ languages. |
GHCA – Greater Houston Creation Association |
Institute for Creation Research |
International Association for Creation – Home school materials, museum and national park tours |
International Conference on Creationism — held every four to five years in Cedarville, OH. |
Lost World Museum youtube channel |
Mount St. Helens Creation Center – museum, also offer tours of Mt. St. Helens. |
QuestionEvolution.com |
Revolution Against Evolution – Located in Michigan. Lots of original articles as well as links to other sites. |
Twin Cities Creation Science Assn. |
X-Evolutionist.com – Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God |